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"...that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me." - John 17:21

Committed to Community

In God's word, we see that Christians are called to "assemble together" (Heb. 10:25) and not simply live independently of each other.  We are called to be part of the visible Body of Christ on Earth.   We also see that Churches in the New Testament were connected to each other in significant ways (Acts 15).  At Bread of Life Church we take that call to community seriously, both at an individual and corporate level.

Life Together

At Bread of Life, we believe that it's important for Christians to live their faith out in community.  We do this organically through casual fellowship and intentional discipleship during the week as well as regular Sunday worship.  As a Church plant we're still figuring out how we're going to live this out and we would love to have you join us in that process.  Consider joining us for Sunday worship or one of our casual mid-week homegroup studies.


 If you'd like more information about how to get plugged-in, check our calendar tab or email:


We are a Church Plant

Bread of Life is a church plant of Covenant Presbyterian Church (OPC) in Vandalia, Ohio.  As a mission work, we are intimately connected to our brothers and sisters there and are overseen by the elders of Covenant. 

Orthodox Presbyterian Church

Our Church is part of a wider body of churches called the "Orthodox Presbyterian Church," which started in 1936 in response to the mainline Presbyterian Church no longer requiring that ministers believe in the inerrancy of the Bible, the miracles of Christ, Christ's Penal Substitutionary atonement, Christ's physical resurrection, as well as other core doctrines of the Christian faith.  That's why we are called "Orthodox Presbyterians."  When we say we're "Orthodox" we simply mean "Biblical"- not Eastern Orthodox.  We are very committed to the doctrines of grace that were rediscovered during the Protestant Reformation. 


This affiliation with the OPC allows for cooperation in ministry with our sister churches and also provides us with a robust system of accountability in both our doctrine and manner of life.  Our ties to a regional and national church help to both protect and empower local congregations. 


North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council
and the
International Conference of Reformed Churches

Beyond being part of a denomination of churches, we also fellowship with other faithful Reformed denominations at both a national and international level by being part of Ecumenical Organizations known as "NAPARC" and "ICRC."  Beyond this we experience fellowship with all true Christians through the Person and work of the Holy Spirit.

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